Link WA creates a forum for stakeholders to access resources and gain a better understanding of Western Australia’s growing road, rail and air freight needs and how these can be leveraged and managed for the benefit of industry, the community and Government.

The Link WA precinct supports:

  • 6,605 enterprises (2020)
  • 7.7b freight value add (2020)
  • 32,118 employment (2021)

With a vision to foster best practice in the precinct and address the region’s predominant role in meeting Western Australia’s growing freight needs, the Link WA alliance’s role is to:

  • provide leadership, advocacy and support to industry
  • represent and be a trusted voice for the precinct community, both business and resident alike
  • help future-proof the industry through innovation and technology
  • promote collaboration and provide a vehicle for co-operation
  • streamline approvals and reduce red tape; and
  • work towards best practice in safety, planning, communications, engineering and development.

The Link WA alliance will encourage partnerships between industry and Government to foster the growth of the freight and logistics industry within the precinct. We will engage with local communities across the precinct to educate, inform and discuss the challenges and opportunities that arise from freight and logistics growth.

Meeting WA’s Growing Freight Needs

Australia’s freight is forecast to double over the next 20 years and treble in 30 years and constitutes one of the country’s biggest infrastructure challenges.

Decisions that are made today and in the coming years regarding land use planning, transport governance, policy and infrastructure will determine the future efficiency, productivity and competitiveness of our freight supply chains. They will also have a marked influence on the  livability of our communities and the prosperity of Western Australia for decades to come.

The freight and logistics industry makes a significant economic contribution to the Link WA region, across employment, enterprises, gross regional product and productivity.

Link WA will connect the road, rail and air freight and logistics industry, communities and Government to discuss and develop smart, strategic and integrated planning outcomes that meet the needs and demands of the region and its stakeholders, now and into the future.

*Australian Logistics Council

Find out more about how Link WA will work with stakeholders:

Council Partners

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